Vibrant Investments

The Best Time To Plant A Tree Was Yesterday

The next best is today

What We



Alternative Accommodation

The hospitality sector, which includes accommodation, restaurants, and other leisure and travel-related businesses, offers multiple opportunities in a post-COVID world as the sector commences recovery and continues to expand internationally.

Green Energy

There are great opportunities in the energy sector in Africa and other continents offering opportunities for investment in renewable technologies and infrastructure. Due to the global erratic and unstable traditional production, green energy is an extremely fast-growing sector.

Green Agriculture

Africa has significant potential for agricultural development, and investments in this sector can help to increase food security and promote economic growth. Niche agriculture sub-sectors such as cannabis, snail-farming and alternative protein sources appeal highly to investors.



Development Loans

Short-term loans provided by VIBRANT to finance asset development, improvement and off-balance sheet short term funding. These loans typically have higher interest rates and may be linked to the progress of investment holding within the Company’s silo holdings.

Letters of Credit and Bridging Financing

Are short-term loans and / or guarantees underwritten provided by ViBRANT to bridge the gap between the purchase of a new assets and the gap on capital transfer from sale of existing property to date of receipt of the proceeds thereon. Issuing letters of credit for import of goods.

Invoice Factoring

A type of financing where a business sells its unpaid invoices to ViBRANT at a discount, in exchange for immediate access to cashflow. ViBRANT assumes the risk of collecting payment from customers and charges fees based on the creditworthiness of the business's customers and the volume of invoices being factored.

What We



Alternative Accommodation

The hospitality sector, which includes accommodation, restaurants, and other leisure and travel-related businesses, offers multiple opportunities in a post-COVID world as the sector commences recovery and continues to expand internationally.

Green Energy

There are great opportunities in the energy sector in Africa and other continents offering opportunities for investment in renewable technologies and infrastructure. Due to the global erratic and unstable traditional production, green energy is an extremely fast-growing sector.

Green Agriculture

Africa has significant potential for agricultural development, and investments in this sector can help to increase food security and promote economic growth. Niche agriculture sub-sectors such as cannabis, snail-farming and alternative protein sources appeal.



Development Loans

Short-term loans provided by VIBRANT to finance asset development, improvement and off-balance sheet short term funding. These loans typically have higher interest rates and may be linked to the progress of investment holding within the Company’s silo holdings.

Letters of Credit and Bridging Financing

Are short-term loans and / or guarantees underwritten provided by ViBRANT to bridge the gap between the purchase of a new assets and the gap on capital transfer from sale of existing property to date of receipt of the proceeds thereon. Issuing letters of credit for import of goods.

Invoice Factoring

A type of financing where a business sells its unpaid invoices to ViBRANT at a discount, in exchange for immediate access to cashflow. ViBRANT assumes the risk of collecting payment from customers and charges fees based on the creditworthiness of the business's customers and the volume of invoices being factored.

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